About us

In a market that is becoming increasingly broader, more variable and in a more uncertain word, the productive enterprises require ever greater speed in the transition from the idea to the realization of the product. Winning this challenge means organizing an operational structure that has two fundamental characteristics:

  1. Greater reactivity to market stresses, both in the estimate phase and in the actual production phase or product engineering;
  2. Greater operational flexibility, so as to obtain targeted accelerations and decelerations dedicated to individual projects and individual needs.

SPEI takes up this challenge, clearly highlighting the importance of outsourcing for the preservation of your competitive advantage, first of all, because it allows you to transform fixed costs into variable costs, ensuring maximum operational flexibility.

At the same time, SPEI takes care of the training of its technicians with courses in which the problems encountered at work are studied in the classroom once a month, drawing on experience for the future.

The Story

SPEI is an engineering company present since 2000, Specialize in providing outsourcing for mechanical design. To meet all your needs and to assure a high quality service, fast and eficiente, the SPEI uses various design Sw such as Catia, Solidworks, Inventor and above all boasts considerable experience with Pro/Engineer of PTC.

Our “mission” aims to assist your technicians offices, with their every need, organizing all verie phases of the project, from ‘conception and design, through the drafting, until the realization of the technical accompanying manuals.

Our Offices






Contribute to the growth of industry through partnerships with companies, to develop innovative ideas and create cutting-edge products.

Get trained with us


SPEI is the Partner for those who believe that technological innovation is a value because SPEI anticipates needs, indicates the way, guarantees the achievement of ambitious goals.


Come forma di comunicazione e condivisione del lavoro in corso, siamo soliti ad usare un servizio di assistenza in remoto il quale ci permette una collaborazione in parallelo. Possiamo appoggiarci alla rete locale dell’azienda o utilizzare il nostro sistema di criptatura SSL. Questo ci consente uno sviluppo completo e in contiuna evoluzione, secondo le revisioni del cliente, dovuti alla consueta iterazione di sviluppo del progetto. Infine, ci consente di assistere gli operatori in ogni fase della costruzione costruzione, dipanando ogni dubbio che si profili all’orizzonte. Questo metodo risulta ottimale quando l’azienda ha bisogno di un supporto autonomo, che sopperisca al picco di lavoro che potrebbe avere in una fase particolare del mercato.